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Family winery and viniculture

Pavelka since 1995

Recommended wines

Recommended wines


This popular and sought-after wine was created from our grapes grown on the southern slopes of the Little Carpathians. The wine will catch your attention thanks to its sparky greenish-goldish colour. In the aroma of the wine, you can smell fruity tones of peaches, together with flowery white roses. The delicate acidity is balanced by the residual sugar with a spicy aftertaste which creates a fullness of the wine.

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Recommended wines

Rosé cuvée

This cuvée from the varieties of Cabernet Sauvignon and Frankovka Modrá was created from grapes grown in our vineyards on the southern slopes of the Little Carpathians. The wine is salmon-coloured and it will catch your attention thanks to its aroma of raspberries, currants and a light nettle. The taste is fresh with a fruity acidity. This wine will never disappoint you and it is suitable for every occasion.

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Recommended wines


This popular wine was created from grapes grown in our vineyards on the southern slopes of the Little Carpathians. The wine has a ruby-ink colour. It has ripened in new barrique barrels for 18 months, where it obtained a special aroma and taste. The wine is robust - jam fresh, full of dark berry fruit, blackcurrants, black cherries, chocolate, light vanilla, accompanied by ripe tannins with a long aftertaste. A wine for the real gourmets!

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Máš rád dobrý guláš a skvelú atmosféru? Tak neváhaj a pridaj sa k nám na Domčeku Celestin v Pezinku! 🍷

📅 Kedy? Sobota, 29. marca

📍 Kde? Domček Celestin, Pezinok

💰 Štartovné pre tímy? 0 € – len dobrá nálada a chuť variť!


🕙 10:00 – Začíname s varením gulášu

🕒 15:00 – Vyhodnotenie a ochutnávanie

🕓 16:00 – Afterparty

👉 Čaká na teba skvelé víno od Pavelku 🍷 a čapovaná Kofola

Zober partiu, rodinu alebo kolegov a príď si užiť deň plný vôní, chutí a dobrej spoločnosti! 😍

📩 Prihlášky a info domcek@pavelkavino.sk alebo na 0904 690 355.

Tešíme sa na vás! 🎉

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Events Calendar

Otvorenie sezóny na domčeku Celestín 2025


📍 Domček Celestín

📅 19. apríla 2025od 14:00

Príďte s nami odštartovať novú sezónu plnú skvelej atmosféry, zábavy a hlavne dobrého vína 🥳

Na čo sa môžete tešiť?

🥂 Koktejly z vína

🎈 Program pre deti 

🏰 Skákací hrad 

🌭 Hotdogy 

🥤Čapovaná Kofola

🎶 DJ 

Zoberte rodinu, priateľov a príďte si užiť deň plný pohody! Tešíme sa na vás! 😊

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